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Join Date : May 23, 2012

About laninna

laninna  Videos

America’s Cup Party in Naples

Final party of this year’s America’s Cup in Napoli, Italia

publish April 21, 2013 279
My birthday in Paris

Video del mio compleanno a Parigi nel 2007… Video of my trip to Paris in occasion of my birthday in December 2007. The city of blinding light in a Christmas atmosphere was magic! and guess which was my birthday gift (from my self!) : my Chanel Cambon, so

publish August 30, 2012 184
Unconventional beach in Mykonos

We found this beach near Ornos.. I love this type of beaches!

publish August 14, 2012 226
Landing in Mykonos

the video of our landing in Mykonos… love the sunset!

publish August 12, 2012 192
Relaxing lunch at Agia Anna in Mykonos

Lounge music and an incredible atmosphere in Agia Anna, Mykonos (Greece)

publish August 12, 2012 213
Bob Sinclar @ Paradise Beach in Mykonos

One minute of the party i joined in Mykonos at Paradise Party, where Bob Sinclar was the dj!! Funny funny night

publish August 12, 2012 180
Agia Anna beach in Mykonos

The beach of Agia Anna here in Mykonos! It’s magic

publish August 6, 2012 183
TRAILER – Erasmus intensive programme in Portalegre

Trailer of the video about my experience in Portugal for the Erasmu Intensive Programme in Supply Chain.

publish July 17, 2012 563
SINGING in Portuguese

Me and Sonia SINGING “Ja sei namorar” by Trabalistas, the only Portuguese song that we know!!

publish July 16, 2012 227
Jump!! My dog Wanna save me!

Leo il mio cane non abbaia mai ma quando andiamo in barca e qualcuno si tuffa inizia ad abbaiare e corre avanti ed indietro come un pazzo! Vuole proteggerci da quel cattivo del mare!!! 🙂 /. My dog Leo Never barks but when we are on my yacht and someone wann

publish June 27, 2012 240
Come aboard and relax! Procida view from my yacht!

A sneak peak to Procida from my yacht! I’m wearing a Victiria’s secret top bikini!

publish June 27, 2012 181

laninna Favorite Videos

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